Bible Verse For Today- Numbers 23:19
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
Numbers 23:19 is a powerful reminder of God's unchanging nature and the absolute reliability of His promises. Unlike humans, who may fail to keep their word, God is always faithful. This verse encourages us to trust in His Word, knowing that what He has spoken will come to pass. It calls us to anchor our faith in His truth and rest in the certainty that He does not lie or change His mind.
"God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" (Numbers 23:19)
This bible verse is part of the story of Balaam, a prophet hired by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse Israel. But despite Balak’s desire, Balaam could not curse what God had blessed. Instead, he spoke of God's unshakable truth—God does not lie, and His promises always come to pass.
In a world where people often break their promises, this verse gives us assurance that God is not like man. His words are true, His plans never fail, and His faithfulness is eternal.
One of the greatest attributes of God is His unchanging nature. Human beings can be unpredictable—our emotions, decisions, and commitments shift over time. But God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever ( Hebrews 13:8 ). What He has spoken will always come to pass.
If you ever feel uncertain about the future, remember that God’s faithfulness does not depend on circumstances. What He has promised in His Word is still true for you today.
Numbers 23:19 assures us that when God speaks, He acts. His Word is not empty or uncertain—it carries power and authority. The Bible is filled with God’s promises, and He has never failed to keep a single one.
Are you standing on His promises today? No matter what challenges you face, hold onto His Word, knowing that He will fulfill what He has spoken.
There are moments when life doesn’t make sense—when prayers seem unanswered, and hope feels distant. During such times, this verse calls us to trust in God's character rather than our emotions. Even when we don’t see immediate results, God is working behind the scenes.
His timing is perfect, and His plans are for our good ( Jeremiah 29:11 ). What He has spoken over your life will come to pass in His appointed time.
When we truly believe that God keeps His promises, our hearts can rest in peace. Worry and fear diminish when we place our confidence in His Word. Instead of doubting, we can boldly declare:
His promises are unshakable. Trusting them brings strength, hope, and peace beyond understanding.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being a God who never lies and never changes. Your Word is true, and Your promises never fail. Help me to trust in You fully, even when my circumstances seem uncertain.
Forgive me for the times I have doubted or wavered in my faith. Strengthen my heart to believe that what You have spoken over my life will come to pass. I surrender my worries and fears to You, knowing that Your plans are perfect.
Lord, remind me daily of Your faithfulness. Let me rest in Your truth, walk in confidence, and live a life that reflects trust in Your promises. May I encourage others with the assurance that You are always good and always true to Your Word.
In Jesus' name,